Personal blog about dealing with a father with dementia in a care home.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

17th May 2007 - Take her to the piss house

Frieda was on day room duty today - with Graham. Graham looks and speaks like he's ex-army. He's obviously hard as glass but he's had discipline somewhere because he's very moderated in what he says, to whom and he's got the smarts to judge his audience. Frieda doesn't have that level of ability - or she just doesn't care who hears her, or who she offends. "I'll no change fur anyone. Like me or lump me".
They deal with their jobs and the things it throws at them - sometimes literally - very differently.

Frieda's manner is that she sort of flirts with people. It's almost as if she flirts with an unseen beau, as if she's putting on a show for someone she's really trying to amuse. Normally. But Graham was with focus of her flirt today. He shouted on her to help him put Annabelle back in her chair after her breakfast - an hour and a half after her breakfast but better late than never I'd have thought. "Gie it anither 10 minutes an' all take her tae the piss hoose any roads" she shouted back. Graham either saw the fixed face on me or is genuinely a carer because he shouted back "That's a bit selfish is it no?" And because it was Graham she acquiesed without a murmur. Anyone else would have had an earful.

When she got back Anne-Marie accused her of stealing the banana she'd put aside for lunch. "A banana? Wit would I want wi a banana ? A banana's no big enough, ye need a cucumber. Eh girls? Eh Graham? Are you hiding a banana or a cucumber? Or are you more of a gherkin man ? Ye need a cucumber, banana's just don't have the girth. Eh Lily? You need a cucumber no a banana eh Lily?" Lily responded "I'd like a banana hen, that's awfy kind of ye" and as she goes to get one "She's one fucking filthy bitch that yin, thinks I'm daft, but at least I'm getting a nice banana oot of her - an I'll see an gie it a wash too."