Personal blog about dealing with a father with dementia in a care home.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

4th January 2008 - Snow! Yes it is.

It snowed a lot today. I managed to get in to see him because Sean was still off work with the kids, while I was working. I kept getting regular texts during the day about the snow and how they were playing in it. I was jealous. I love snow. Ellie was making snow angels, Mark making snowmen and pelting Sean with snow balls and Sean was defending himself in between giving sledge rides. They went to the park and bumped into a friend of mine and her son and had a lovely time.

"Did you see the snow Dad?"

"What snow?"

"The snow outside, it's been snowing. Sean and the kids having been playing in the park all afternoon - they've had a lovely time. Look outside Dad. It looks lovely - especially when you're all cosy inside - have a look"

"What snow?"

"The snow, outside, on the trees, over the cars and hills"

"What snow?"

I point out the window "Look, it's still snowing. It's just a flurry now but it was heavy earlier on, heavy enough to lie".

"What snow?"

"See, Dad, look out the window. See the snow, look how pretty it is."

"What snow?"

A penny drops with a clang - "It's frozen rain."

"Aaah. Sounds cold".


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