Personal blog about dealing with a father with dementia in a care home.

Monday, December 17, 2007

17th December 2007 - I could have danced all night

It was the Christmas party today. The entertainer was an accordionist and he was really good. Not just at his instrument but in the mix he played. He played carols, Christmas tunes, Scottish ballads and Scottish country dance songs. Everyone laughed and clapped, and 'heuched' along.

Lily started the dancing. At the first skirl of the accordion - or whatever the hell noise they make is called - she was off. Dancing with her zimmer with an incredibly alarming ferocity and determination. Everyone clapped along with her. Cecily's son got up and danced with her. Through various tunes the staff got all the residents that were able up to dance. Dad refused. I've never known my Dad to dance. Cecily's son danced with the staff too, he was a really good country dancer.

One of the staff was working her way around the walls to administer each residents medication. She gave Dad his inhalers but when she tried to give him his painkillers she dropped one on the floor. I'd have picked it up and kept going, but she went to get another. I wonder if she'd have done that if I hadn't been there. Dad must have realised there was something missing because he got to his feet to go after her. I tried to persuade him to stay with us but he was off, so I followed him, grabbing to hold his arm. As I did this, the accordionist started a waltz. Dad started to dance with me. We were waltzing. He could dance really well. His feet took over and knew what to do. The medicine woman stopped us and popped a cocodamol in his mouth. Dad had forgotten about medicine and didn't know what he was supposed to do with it so started to crunch and chew. Even when she held the diluting juice to his mouth he didn't get the idea he was supposed to swallow it down rather than chew the pieces. She gave up and went on with her rounds. I asked Dad if he wanted to keep dancing "I don't dance" he said. What a shame. I wanted to dance with him more. I've never danced with my Dad before. Don't suppose I ever will again. Dad's feet knew how to dance - who knew? I wonder if he used to dance when he was young. I wonder if he had fewer inhibitions when he was a young man, than he had when he was the repressed, cowed, middle aged one I knew as I grew up. I hope so.


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