Personal blog about dealing with a father with dementia in a care home.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

6th October 2007 - Huns huns huns huns

Gwyneth was sitting - I'd not seen her for a few days. But I really looked at her today. She was so twisted, so gnarled. Her pink fluffy slippers where the only clue to her sex, to her previous life as a much loved wife, and mother. Poor Gwyneth.

Dad was opposite her. Sleeping too. Lily and Bruce were fighting, throwing insults at each other. Why do the demented never forget their swear words I wonder.

Anna was sitting with two tumblers in front of her on her wheel in table. She was overturning them, one at a time, like a Tommy Cooper magic turn - Glass bottle, bottle glass.

Rachel paddled past us all, trouser legs rolled above the knee, edging her way tentatively round the chairs, checking the depth of the water carefully before plunging her foot, the leg into the sea.

Bertha trilled in the background "Hun huns huns father father father DWEEEEPPP
hun huns faither dweeeep" over and over again until climatically shrieking "TWANG YA BASTURD" and waking the room.

Dad blustered into wakefulness and asked me if I'd seen his pen because he needed to finish the crossword to catch the post, then immediately fell asleep again.


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