Personal blog about dealing with a father with dementia in a care home.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

15th September - Singing in the pissing rain.

We went into the Smoking Room to sit today, just Dad and I, kids were with my friend. The high backed arm chairs in that room are covered in a kind of thick plastic. I found out why today.

The lady of the new couple was sitting beside her husband, both in these chairs by the fireplace. There's no fire, just a fireplace adorned with dusty artificial flowers. He was dozing, as was she. She woke up and stood, with the aid of her cane and told him she was going to the loo. As she turned I noticed the upturned 'u' of wet, her trousers were soaking. When I looked at her chair and it had a puddle of pee on it too. She went anyway and when she came back her husband looked up, smiled and patted the chair to encourage her to sit back down. His hand made the puddle of pish splash like Gene Kellys outstretched foot as he danced through the puddles in Singin' in the Rain. What a glorious feeling I'm happy again.

She sits down and I wonder if I should tell him, how do you phrase that "Excuse me, but I think your wife, the woman you loved for all these years, who bore you your children, who you lay with and loved all those times, is sitting in a puddle of piss".

As always I do nothing. I'm laughing at clouds, so dark up above, the sun's in my heart, and I'm ready for love.


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